TalentClick Assessments

Better Insights. Better Teams.

From the day The Headhunters began, we committed to doing recruitment differently—to understand and respect each candidate as a person, dig deeper into each candidate’s strengths, and better predict their behaviours on the job—all to bring our clients the right employees who fit and thrive!

Workstyle & Performance Profile

The Workstyle & Performance Profile (WPP) is a validated assessment tool that helps take the guesswork out of finding fit Finding the right fit means stronger hiring decisions, better team dynamics and lower turnover. When you partner with The Headhunters, every candidate we present to you has been assessed through the WPP—there is no additional cost  and you don’t have to ask for it.

Our clients love the WPP and often ask us how to harness the power of assessments to help them hire and develop their own teams.  Let us show you how!

Our assessment partner is TalentClick, a global psychometrics company that helps organizations in more than 100 countries to hire, onboard and develop happy, productive, successful teams. 

Explore the full range of TalentClick assessments

Behavioural Assessments
Talent Click AVP Icon
Attitude-Values-Personality (AVP): A snapshot of workstyle, work values, and safety risk identifying the traits and “default settings” that correlate with successful workplace performance.  Download Sample AVP »
Talent Click SQ Icon

Safety Quotient (SQ): An innovative employee risk assessment that measures 6 unique personality traits directly connected to risk tolerance and unsafe behaviours.  Download Sample SQ »

Talent Click LP Icon

Leadership Profile (LP): The Leadership Profile helps inform hiring, placement, and leadership development of your organization’s most valuable resource – its leaders.  Download Sample LP »

Skills Assessments
Talent Click EP Icon
English Proficiency (EP): Measures English language competencies, including writing, vocabulary, and typing accuracy.
TalentClick CQ Icon
Cognitive Quotient (CQ): Tests language comprehension, numerical calculation ability and spatial resoning.
TalentClick BR Icon

Business Reasoning (BR): Tests advanced numerical and verbal reasoning and strategic thinking abilities.

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