Author: The Headhunters

Are You The Office Grinch?

Rudolph or Santa? Elf or The Grinch? There’s a slew of quirky Christmas characters we’ve come to know and love, but have you met their

Top 10 Overused Buzzwords on LinkedIn

As 2012 counts down we start to see some interesting and entertaining ‘year in review’-type lists. One of our favourites is LinkedIn’s Buzzwords list! Scouring

Smiling woman in a job interview
Questions to Ask an Interviewer

At the end of an interview, it’s standard procedure to save some time for the candidate to ask any questions he or she might have.

In Defense of Temps

We love our temps. But sometimes they get a bad rap; fighting the stigma that temps are only unskilled seat warmers who man the front

Holiday Bonus: Do’s and Don’ts

The festive season is upon us! And with it comes the question of holiday bonuses. A recent survey by American Express indicated more small businesses