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How to Tap Into Free Money with Business Grants

The Headhunters hosted a webinar with guest speaker Stephanie Sang, CEO of Granted Consulting, on How to Tap Into Free Money with Business Grants

Lack of funds can be a severe barrier to growing your business, but is there really such a thing as “free money”? Business professionals have described grants as a ‘pie in the sky’; they know they are there but they can’t seem to access them. Some have heard of grants or possibly even applied for one or two in the past, but the process can be challenging, confusing and time-consuming. It is important that for-profit businesses learn about what programs are available and be corrected on misconceptions about government grants.

This presentation outlines best practices when preparing for upcoming grants and developing an effective grant strategy for your business. It also covers ongoing grant programs that are currently accepting applications.

Stephanie Sang discussed:

  • Types of grants available to businesses
  • The importance of timing
  • What is a grant strategy?
  • How to be successful in applying for grants
  • Which grants are available now?

Watch the webinar recording: