The Headhunters in Regina
Find or fill jobs in Regina
Regina’s resource for job seekers and employers
The Headhunters sources and hires top-tier talent for businesses in Regina. We know the market well, which lets us make the all-important connections between job seekers and employers that other staffing agencies simply can’t match. If you’re looking to fill vital roles at your organization or searching for the right career opportunity in Regina, you need a local recruiter. That’s where The Headhunters come in.
Partner with our recruiters in Regina
Looking to take the next step in your career in a job you love? In search of talented professionals that you can’t find on the standard job boards? That’s where we come in.
Contact us at 306.271.0780 or email
Hire Talent in Regina
Our extensive network in Regina allows us to source candidates for your organization directly instead of relying only on job boards. That means you’re getting top-tier talent that your competitors just don’t have access to. We offer recruitment services that can be tailored to meet your needs and budget.
Learn more about our services and specialties, browse our Talent Showcase or contact us to get started.
Searching for work in Regina?
When it comes to finding a new job in Regina, you want to work with the recruiters who know the area the best. Turn to your trusted career advocate, your local partner: The Headhunters. Find your next job in Regina with us.
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