Four people have a meeting at a tap with laptop and papers, two of the people are standing

The Relationship Between an Employer Brand and Retention

Job mobility has never been as fluid as it is today. With the advent of LinkedIn and other forms of networking, the 21st century has seen some of the employers’ power shift to the talent. Many companies now accept that young professionals dismiss the thought of dedicating their entire career to one company. Equally, giving several companies less than five years is not quite the red flag on a resume that it once was. So, in a competitive market, should companies readily accept the relentless costs of a labour market that seems to have institutionalized attrition? Perhaps not. A 2014 study in the Journal of Marketing and Consumer Research suggests that employer branding may be the key to stabilizing turnover in this turbulent job market.

What is employer branding?

With talent at a premium in many markets, an strong employer brand helps companies attract and retain talent. Branding begins by evaluating what employees want and/or value in their company’s public image, its social engagement projects, work practices and culture. From these insights an employer brand can be developed; communicating the company’s selling points to potential employees. If done well, this branding will promote loyalty that facilitates a culture where employees feel invested in their company’s goals.

What the brand should promote

To a certain extent, an employer has to get a “feel” for what its workforce values. Onboarding and offboarding interviews, annual reviews, confidential surveys and team meetings are occasions where an employer can learn more what makes its employees tick. Often it is not just about money—employees care about healthy living, work-life balance, corporate culture and many other aspects of the workplace, so employer branding can emphasize benefits programs, parental leave options or corporate wellness initiatives. If a company lacks the selling points that a workforce values, it may be time to invest in those very areas. A company that develops an irrelevant employer brand will alienate its employees’ and may turn their heads towards an organization with a more attractive brand.

Implementing employer branding strategies

In addition to management, marketing and human resources, employees are one of the strongest (and most credible) channels for promoting an employer brand. Companies with a handle on the branding process will market it during meetings, on its websites, in its job postings, and in their day to day interactions with stakeholders. With around 63 percent of employees admitting that a trusted employer brand positively impacts the enjoyment of their job, the value deploying the brand effectively is obvious. So, for companies that are struggling to hire and retain the right kind of talent, now is the time to calibrate your employer branding.