Show your employees a little lovin’

Valentine’s Day has us all feeling the love, so why not spread the good vibes around your employees? Here are a few simple and long-lasting ways you can show your employees you love them.

Let them work on something they love

Just like Google’s 20% time, giving your employees time to work on what they feel passionate about leads to impressive results. And if you don’t believe us, this TED talk about the scientific findings regarding employee motivation may convince you. Allowing employees to freely work on projects of their choice (within their field) is actually a greater driver of increased performance than cash incentives.

Offer them training and development

Training and development opportunities, especially amongst Gen Y, are one of the most valued benefits of employers and should be part of your employee retention strategy. It’s a big win-win as you’re keeping employees happy while also improving skillsets for your business.

Have team dates

Whether it’s out for lunch or drinks after work, take your team on a big group date every now and again. It doesn’t have to be a huge production at large expense, just a time to relax and have ‘quality time’ together. Happy employees = happy customers.

Don’t monitor their every move

Just like any loving relationship, the healthiest ones trust each other and view their partner as an equal. Treat your employees like adults and trust that they will do their work and achieve their goals without you playing ‘Big Brother’. In a digital age where people are used to being ‘plugged in’ 24/7, restricting internet access and use of personal devices is becoming outdated.

These just a few ways you can show your employees they’re appreciated; don’t forget that even small acknowledgements and a ‘thank you for the great job you did on X project’ goes a long way. And it’s not just about appreciation, the above also helps with motivation, retention and performance. So spread some little love this year and reap the benefits of a happy, productive team. Happy Valentine’s Day!